Christine Kretschmann

English short stories and poems

Election time

Election times

written by Christine Kretschmann

The time of election campaign has started and suddenly the politicians find their heart for us and harass us with frenzy discussions.

Though there is no real difference in their political programs, they look for a topic which brings them the highest level of attention.


Take Germany for example, the number one topic at the moment is

“ How to handle criminality of adolescence ?”.

The politicians use a case of egregious crime as starting point that something has to be done. I concur with them, but the same politicians cut implacable the numbers of judges and policemen. Furthermore they terminate several social projects.

It seems that they oust these actions out of their minds This paroxysm of them is absolutely reprehensible.

With perfunctory decrease of personnel working in the jurisdiction, they exacerbate the problem of adolescence criminality. They use adolescence of indigent migrate families as effigy of criminals. It is quite arbitrary chosen, but who cares in fray of votes about this.

Most people are cognizant that this group has a really monolithic problem

of integration, but why is this ?

On the one hand the families quell every attempt of integration, they flout against integration. On the other hand the political attitude was to ignore this fact more or less. With the result that over 60% of these adolescences faill in school and get no work. Programs to revert these adolescence to school or work are terminated by the politicians. The other 40% has to skirmish against allegation of being criminal.

No forthwith action can solve this problem, only an incipient awareness of the problem and the will to solve it, could prevent that more and more adolescences are wrest to criminality.

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